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Accessible Tourism Infrastructure Grant

Funding to support the development and enhancement of infrastructure to make tourism experiences more accessible.

The Accessible Tourism Infrastructure Grant supports small and medium size tourism and events businesses to improve tourism and events infrastructure and accessibility.

It is part of the Queensland Government’s $12 million investment into the Year of Accessible Tourism to deliver a package of initiatives to enhance and develop accessible tourism projects and to raise awareness about accessible tourism experience in Queensland.

The Year of Accessible Tourism supports key actions in the Towards Tourism 2032 strategy.

Applications for the Grant are now closed.

The key objectives of the grant are to support projects that will:

  • increase the number of tourism and events businesses that are delivering exceptional and accessible customer experiences
  • have a positive impact for the community through improved accessibility to visitors
  • support and provide opportunities to the tourism and events industry to make improvements to accessibility for visitors and workers with disability.

Successful applicants

Applicant business name Project description Local Government area Tourism region
Etty Bay Cabins and Caravan Park Refurbishment of an existing cabin into an accessible family cabin. Cassowary Coast Tourism Tropical North Queensland
Brisbane Powerhouse Providing accessible access to the new Vertical Restaurant at the Brisbane Powerhouse. Brisbane Brisbane Economic Development Agency
Gold Coast Coachlines Purchase of four new buses fitted with engineer-certified wheelchair accessible lifts to add to current bus fleet. Gold Coast Destination Gold Coast
Ivory’s Rock Refurbishment of existing infrastructure at the Sandy Creek campgrounds to create accessible campground activity hubs complemented by pathways, lighting and new accessible campground cabin. Ipswich Southern Queensland Country Tourism
Maleny Botanic Gardens and Bird World Purchase of two wheelchair accessible buggies and upgrade of the rest of the fleet to improve safety and accessibility. Sunshine Coast Visit Sunshine Coast
Gold Coast Wake Park Installation of modified floating obstacles and jumps, new walkway, new jet ski and rescue sled, as well as website and information upgrades and staff training. Gold Coast Destination Gold Coast
Trevena Glen Farm Acquisition of two specially designed wheelchair accessible train carriages for the existing miniature train experience, a stair lift, and accessibility modifications to an existing building. Moreton Bay Brisbane Economic Development Agency
Little Truffle Restaurant Raising floors to reduce uneven surfaces and step up barriers and installation of ambulant and accessible toilets. Gold Coast Destination Gold Coast
Qantas Founders Museum Installation of accessible audio visual content and upgrading exhibition design and interpretive signage. Longreach Outback Queensland Tourism Association
Arcadia Village Motel Modification of an existing building into a fully accessible two bedroom hotel room/apartment for wheelchair access or less mobile visitors. Townsville Townsville Enterprise

The Accessible Tourism Infrastructure Grant guidelines (PDF, 614KB) contain detailed information regarding the grant.

Key dates



Applications opened
March 2023
Applications closed
May 2023
Outcomes of applications advised
July 2023
Project completion date
30 June 2024, or by a later agreed date

More information

For more information, email the Tourism Division team.

Last updated: 04 Sep 2023