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Our governance

We operate within a robust corporate governance framework, which is underpinned by 6 principles:

  • public sector governance
  • accountability
  • transparency and openness
  • integrity
  • stewardship
  • efficiency and leadership.

The principles guide our internal governance committees, frameworks, policies, procedures, financial and human resource delegations and authorisations.

Internal governance committees

Our internal governance committees ensure effective and efficient leadership and accountability of our department.

Executive Leadership Team

Our Executive Leadership Team is the department’s peak decision-making and advisory committee which makes decisions in relation to corporate governance, strategic policy, planning and alignment, strategic workforce policy and planning, performance management, service delivery and risk and opportunity management.

Audit and Risk Management Committee

The Audit and Risk Management Committee provides independent assurance and assistance to the Director-General on the department’s risk, fraud, control, compliance and integrity frameworks, and external accountability responsibilities as prescribed in relevant legislation and standards, including the Financial and Performance Management Standard 2019.

Finance Committee

Our Finance Committee provides governance over the department’s financial resources and makes recommendations to the Director-General on a range of strategic and operational financial matters, including financial performance and planning.

Digital and Information Steering Committee

The Digital and Information Steering Committee provides assurance and assistance to the Director-General on the department’s:

  • digital and information and communications technology (ICT) strategic direction
  • digital and ICT systems, support services, assets and investment
  • Information Security Management System implementation
  • information management and security strategy, operations and risks.

Work Health and Wellness Committee

The Work Health and Wellness Committee advises and supports the Director-General and executive leaders to ensure the satisfaction of their legislative obligations, and compliance with Queensland and Australian Workplace Health and Safety legislation and directives.

The committee enables a positive departmental culture through initiatives such as those promoting diversity, physical and mental health and the prevention of domestic and family violence.

Consultative Committee

The Department of Tourism and Sport (DTS) Agency Consultative Committee is a consultative body established to facilitate meaningful consultation between management and unions on matters arising under the State Government Entities Certified Agreement 2023 (‘Core 2023’) or matters that otherwise impact or may impact upon the workforce of the Department of Tourism and Sport (DTS).

Human Rights

The Human Rights Act 2019 protects 23 fundamental human rights. As a Queensland Government department, we have an obligation to consider human rights when making decisions or taking actions with the potential to impact people in Queensland.

We are committed to respecting, protecting and promoting human rights through the implementation of the Human Rights Act, and building a culture where the respect and promotion of human rights is fundamental in our day-to-day activities and decision making.

We are working towards embedding human rights considerations into our strategies, policies, procedures and service delivery functions, with significant headway already made in this regard.

If you have concerns about your human rights, or you believe the department has acted in a way that has limited your human rights, you may make a complaint.

If you would like further information about how we contribute to the protection of human rights, please contact us.


The legislative responsibilities for each Minister and department are set out in the Administrative Arrangements Order. Current and past legislation is available in full on the Office of the Queensland Parliamentary Council website.

The legislation our Minister is responsible for is administered by the department, and applies to a number of industries and the broader community.

Our Legislative Compliance Assurance Framework provides mechanisms for assuring the Director-General and Audit and Risk Management Committee that we are complying with our legislative obligations.

For a list of legislation our department administers please see our annual report.

Last updated: 05 Jul 2024