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Attracting Aviation Investment Fund

The Attracting Aviation Investment Fund 2022-2025 will support growth of service frequency, capacity and development of new international aviation routes into Queensland’s international airports.

About the fund

On 11 February 2022, the Queensland Government announced a partnership with the private sector to invest $200 million. The investment will secure more direct international flights into Queensland, to rebuild our international visitor economy.


The fund will provide:

  • more seats
  • more visitors and international students
  • increased overnight visitor expenditure
  • support for more jobs
  • additional freight capacity for our produce and other exports.

Private sector partnership

The Queensland Government is providing $100 million into the fund, which at a minimum will be matched dollar-for-dollar by the private sector.

The focus is to create and fund Queensland’s integrated aviation attraction strategy, where government, airports, airlines, marketing bodies, and other private sector entities work together.


Applications for funding are considered on the merits of the route and how it meets the fund’s mandatory criteria.

Routes for consideration must demonstrate:

  • How the route will grow visitation from priority source markets – markets that are forecast to deliver above average growth in visitor expenditure in Queensland – and be linked to the Aviation Framework 2018-2025
  • Growth and long-term sustainability
  • How the government’s potential commitment leverages contributions from other partners to match funding requested
  • How the proposed route supports other opportunities and beneficiaries, including tourism, exports, airfreight, international education, trade and investment.

Mandatory criteria

The application will be assessed against the following criteria:

  • Strategic Investment – must represent a strategic benefit to Queensland’s aviation development and the Queensland economy.
  • Value for money – must represent the best value for money, achieving the greatest outcome at the least cost and risk to taxpayers.
  • Performance based – must demonstrate strong accountability safeguards to ensure risk is managed appropriately.
  • Evidence based – the route development proposal must justify the amount of support requested and methodology and data must be clearly outlined.
  • Matched funding – only proposals which have matched industry funding will be considered.
  • Incentivises viability, sustainability and growth – new or expanded services and long-term sustainability from key markets.

Roles and responsibilities

  • Airports are primarily responsible for initiating new route development proposals, with regular dialogue between airports, the department and Tourism and Events Queensland (TEQ) regarding new route priorities.
  • The department will work with airports to consider alignment of a new or expanded route to the fund criteria and discuss any potential issues.
  • The department and TEQ will work with airports to consider the level and type of marketing for the route development proposal.
  • The airport will usually be the proponent under the fund, working in partnership with airlines and industry partners.
  • Equality of opportunity – all Queensland airports with international flight capability are eligible to prepare a route development proposal.
  • Merit based assessment – applications will be assessed on merit against the fund’s eligibility criteria and other submissions.
  • Confidentiality – the department and TEQ will respect and protect the confidentiality of discussions with airports.

Supported services

Resumed and new services secured as part of the fund include:




More information

For all enquiries

Last updated: 25 Jun 2024