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Towards Tourism 2032

Towards Tourism 2032: Transforming Queensland’s visitor economy future is a collective framework to set the direction of tourism in Queensland for the next 10 years.

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Towards Tourism 2032 raises the profile of tourism and its importance to the economy. It directly supports growing Queensland’s economy via good jobs, better services and great lifestyle.

The vision is for Queensland to be Australia’s destination of choice for domestic and global visitors seeking the world’s best experiences by 2032. The industry is aiming to more than double the state's tourism overnight expenditure to more than $44 billion in overnight visitor expenditure (OVE) a year by 2032.

Implementing a new strategic direction for tourism

A set of key strategic themes define the focus of the strategy:

  • Demand: Deliver a global marketing strategy, the Queensland Music Trails program, and develop a new business events industry strategy.
  • Supply: Deliver tourism product/experience grant programs, targeted accessibility initiatives, and leverage the new State Fossil Emblem.
  • Connectivity: Develop a new drive tourism strategy, deliver the aviation attraction funding boost, and support regional connectivity and accessibility.
  • Sustainability: Develop a pathway to net zero, support destination eco-certification, and develop an ecotourism plan for protected areas.
  • Brisbane 2032: Drive global awareness of the Queensland brand, and embed tourism in the Brisbane 2032 Legacy Strategy and Plan.
  • First Nations: Develop an Indigenous Tourism Development Roadmap, extend the Our Country Advisory Service, and enhance industry partnerships.
  • Investment and funding: A one-stop concierge service for investors, examine approval pathways for tourism, and advocate for insurance affordability.
  • Talent and skills: Leverage the Queensland Workforce Strategy, deliver targeted business capability and advocate for visa streamlining.
  • New ways of working: Investigate a tourism knowledge hub, support technology uptake, and enhance service delivery across the tourism network.

These will guide actions that generate the most impact by building on Queensland’s competitive advantage and the key game changers where Queensland can lead the way.

To make the most of the opportunities ahead and achieve the best outcomes, a series of implementation plans will be actioned by industry and government over three distinct phases.

Phase 1 tourism strategyPhase 2 tourism strategyPhase 3 tourism strategy

Laying the foundation for future growth

Phase 1 (2023-2025) will see industry and government working together to build on existing efforts and develop a strong footing for growth. This includes:

  • aiming to restore demand to pre-COVID levels
  • investing in new and revitalised products and experiences and leveraging our natural competitive advantages
  • establishing the state as the leading destination for home-grown events, nature-based tourism, adventure and First Nations tourism
  • delivering infrastructure and amenities that support visitors and communities
  • attracting new aviation routes and expanding capacity on existing routes
  • improving regional connections
  • ensuring government policy and planning frameworks support tourism development
  • considering new ways of working to ensure Queensland has a highly functioning tourism network.

Towards Tourism 2032 includes the Phase 1 Implementation Plan, outlining specific actions, initiatives and programs for delivery in partnership between government and industry. Phase 2 and 3 actions will be shaped and strategically designed closer to their delivery.

Queensland Government Response to Tourism Industry Reference Panel’s Final Action Plan

The Queensland Government has accepted 46 of the independent Tourism Industry Reference Panel’s 75 recommendations put forward in their final action plan Towards 2032 – Reshaping Queensland’s visitor economy to welcome the world.

The remaining recommendations are subject to future funding availability (11 recommendations), require further government consideration due to their complex nature (9 recommendations), and either not accepted and/or alternative measures proposed (9 recommendations).

Read the Queensland Government Response to Towards 2032: Reshaping Queensland's visitor economy to welcome the world.

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Last updated: 17 Jun 2024