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Tourism Recovery Assistance Grant

The Tourism Recovery Assistance Grant is provided under the joint Commonwealth and State Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements, and is to support tourism operators in Far North Queensland recover from the impacts of Tropical Cyclone Jasper within severely impacted Local Government Areas that rely heavily on tourism.

The $1.6 million Tourism Recovery Assistance Grant provides financial assistance of up to $50,000 (ex GST) for eligible businesses in the defined disaster area. Owners of medium to large tourism operations, which have suffered direct damage as a result of the disaster, can access funding to contribute towards the costs of initial clean-up, repairs and reinstatement of tourism operations.

To be eligible for funding tourism businesses must have been engaged in tourism operations located in the defined disaster area and have suffered direct damage as a result of the disaster, which is defined as commencing on 13 December 2023.

Applications are now closed and are under assessment.

More information

To enquire about an existing application, contact

Last updated: 28 Jun 2024