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Building Resilient Tourism Infrastructure Fund: Tropical Cyclone Jasper

The Building Resilient Tourism Infrastructure Fund: Tropical Cyclone Jasper is provided under the joint Commonwealth and State Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements, to support tourism operators that were impacted by Tropical Cyclone Jasper to build their resilience to future natural disaster events through tailored infrastructure solutions.

The $10 million Building Resilient Tourism Infrastructure Fund (BRTI): Tropical Cyclone Jasper provides grants for impacted tourism businesses to build resilience and aid their response to future flooding and natural disasters through innovative solutions and bespoke engineering projects, such as flood prevention infrastructure, equipment such as alternative power, safety upgrades, or flood levees.

Grant details

The $10 million Building Resilient Tourism Infrastructure Fund (BRTI): Tropical Cyclone Jasper was provided as part of the $29.15 million Tourism Recovery and Resilience Package jointly funded under the joint Australian and State Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements.

The Fund supports tourism businesses, impacted by Tropical Cyclone Jasper, to build resilience and aid their response to future flooding and natural disasters through innovative solutions and bespoke engineering projects, such as flood prevention infrastructure, equipment such as alternative power, safety upgrades, or flood levees.

Successful grant recipients

65 tourism businesses were successfully funded to support projects that build resilience against future disaster events.

Last updated: 26 Jul 2024