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Active Industry Project Fund Super Round

Support the sport and active recreation industry to provide diverse, inclusive and responsive participation opportunities and connected athlete pathways.

About the fund

The Active Industry Project Fund Super Round provides competitive grant funding to active industry organisations operating in Queensland, to increase participation and enhance athlete pathways.

What we’ve achieved

Through the AIPF Super Round, we provided $5.07 million in funding to deliver 75 projects across the following categories:

  • Participation – providing diverse, inclusive, and responsive opportunities to grow participation
  • Pathways – enhancing pathways and/or addressing pathway inequalities for Queensland athletes.

Super Round funding recipients

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Through rounds 1 and 2 we provided over $2.1 million in funding to deliver 47 projects.

Round 2

Provided funding to Queensland active industry organisations to build the capacity and capability of the sport and active recreation workforce in Queensland.

See round 2 funding recipients.

Round 1 funding recipients

Provided funding to Queensland state level sport and active recreation organisations and Industry Peak Bodies under the following categories:

  • Participation - establish or expand diverse, inclusive, and responsive offerings to increase participation
  • Affiliate services – establish or expand services to affiliates to increase their efficiency and capability.

See the round 1 funding recipients.

Last updated: 02 Jun 2024