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Strategic Workforce Plan

Our Strategic Workforce Plan 2023-26 (PDF, 173KB) identifies workplace initiatives to help make our department an employer of choice and ensure our workforce achieves our business objectives by:

  • fostering a high performing workplace culture that is passionate, innovative, respectful, inclusive and safe
  • attracting and retaining a diverse range of skilled people who possess the right capabilities and attributes for today and the future
  • being a risk smart organisation where risk is understood and our workforce is empowered to safely engage with it.

Our Strategic Workforce Plan supports our Strategic Plan 2023-27 and focuses on the following themes:

  • Workplace culture
  • Talent management
  • Workplace transformation
  • Diversity and inclusion
  • Capability development.

Our Actions and Measures Plan 2023-25 (PDF, 455KB) outlines the specific actions we’ll take over the next 2 years to achieve the Strategic Workforce Plan’s priorities and objectives.

The development of our Strategic Workforce Plan and our Actions and Measures Plan has been informed by:

Last updated: 13 Mar 2024