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Procurement Policy

The Queensland Procurement Policy outlines the broad rules under which procurement is conducted by all government agencies. Each agency then has its own more detailed purchasing procedures, which sets out how their officers will buy goods and services.

Further general information about procurement is available from the Queensland Government website.

Buy Local and Indigenous

The Queensland Government has a commitment to increase spend with local small to medium enterprises (SMEs), Indigenous business and social enterprises.

The DTS Procurement Procedure requires that for every procurement opportunity, quote/s must be sought from at least one local SME, and/or Indigenous business, and /or social enterprise, where possible.

Preference should be first given to Indigenous business and then social enterprise where possible.

Queensland Small Business Procurement Commitment Action Statement

The Queensland Small Business Procurement Commitment Action Statement commits to making it easier for small businesses to supply to the government, and for the Queensland Government to be a model payer by paying small businesses on time and in full. The Action Statement includes a range of actions to build the capability of small business suppliers to be more competitive; pay small business suppliers faster; and support and measure small business participation in the procurement system.

For further information visit the Queensland Small Business Procurement Commitment Action Statement website.

Queensland Government On-time Payment Policy

DTS is committed to the government’s intent to supporting small business as outlined in the Queensland Small Business Procurement Commitment Action Statement. Effective from 1 July 2020 onwards, we reduce payment timeframes for small business suppliers from 30 calendar days to 20 calendar days of receiving a correctly rendered tax invoice.

To enable your small business to be paid within 20 calendar days from 1 July 2020, register your details on the On-time Payment Small Business Register.

Registration is not compulsory but by registering your business it will assist us to pay you faster.

Read the Queensland Small Business Procurement Commitment – Action Statement for further information on the introduction of:

  • 20 calendar day payment timeframes
  • other changes to the On-time Payment Policy, including additional agency reporting requirements on late payments.

Last updated: 19 Jul 2024