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Paluma to Wallaman Falls Trail

Project overview

The Paluma to Wallaman Falls Trail is a proposed 125km walking and mountain biking trail, providing a link between Paluma and Wallaman Falls (Australia’s largest sheer drop waterfall) that would showcase the unique experience and deep cultural immersion of the traditional language and storylines of the Warrgamay and GuGu Badhun first nations people that have existed for thousands of years.

The proposed Trail would complement the region’s diverse portfolio of natural attractions including beaches, rainforest, islands, and the Great Barrier Reef.

Incentivising investment in sustainable tourism, ecotourism and nature-based infrastructure is an important element of Towards Tourism 2032, Queensland’s tourism industry strategy to increase the tourism economy to $44 billion.

Graphic map of Paluma trail

Project benefits

Ecotourism and nature-based tourism is a key contributor to Queensland’s economy and tourism industry. Benefits of the proposed Trail include:

  • Creation of sustainable employment and business opportunities for Traditional Owners.
  • Promotion of environmental awareness and creation of community benefits.
  • Local economic and local employment opportunities.
  • Building the destination profile of North Queensland.
  • Increasing visitation and expenditure in the North Queensland region.

Developing new ecotourism trails in National Parks are significant undertakings with multiple approval requirements. Delivering projects of this nature can be complex requiring a considered approach with ongoing engagement with the Traditional Owners.

Project history

In July 2022, a Paluma to Wallaman Falls business case report was completed by TRC Tourism and Traditional Owners which identified the potential of the proposed trail concept alignment and tourism opportunities, with recommendations for a staged approach.

In recognition of the recommendations and to further reinforce the Queensland Government’s commitment to investing in ecotourism projects, $2 million of state funding was announced to support the next stage of the project involving:

  • environmental and cultural assessments
  • identifying early works opportunities
  • supporting Traditional Owner tourism business opportunities; and
  • traditional Owner training and capacity building.

For the proposed trail opportunities to be realised, a staged approach to project investigations is being undertaken, to consider design, planning, approvals, activating existing opportunities and Traditional Owner capacity development.

Current status

Investigations are being undertaken into commercial opportunities and approvals and tenure pathways. These investigative works will inform the Queensland Government, Traditional Owners and stakeholders regarding the project's future direction.


  • Supporting local jobs

  • Creating new experiences

  • Growing the local economy

Frequently asked questions

  • The Paluma to Wallaman Falls Trail could showcase the region’s stunning natural environment, unique wildlife and fascinating ancient cultural heritage through additional tourism offerings and a collaborative model between Traditional Owners and tourism operators.

    This project could offer Traditional Owner led cultural experiences, lookouts, activities such as guided walks, public campsites and could include privately-operated low-impact eco-accommodation.

  • The Paluma to Wallaman Falls Trail is a proposed 125km walking and mountain biking trail in the Paluma Range National Park and Wallaman Falls region. The next stage of the project will include additional alignment investigations as well as environmental and cultural assessments.

  • Delivering an iconic ecotourism experience like the Paluma to Wallaman Falls Trail requires extensive planning and engagement, with multiple stakeholders and environmental considerations.

    The initial business case report proposes an indicative 10-year delivery program for the trail in full.

  • The Queensland Government was approached by a collaborative group of local Traditional Owners, a Paluma region tourism operator and Townsville Enterprise Limited with the project proposal and a draft concept plan.

    The concept plan was developed through funding provided by the three local councils of Townsville, Hinchinbrook and Charters Towers.

    The Queensland Government and the local councils are now working collaboratively with Traditional Owner groups on the next stage of the project.

  • The Queensland Government and the local councils are working collaboratively with Traditional Owner groups on the Paluma to Wallaman Falls trail project.

    The GuGu Badhun and Warrgamay Traditional Owners were heavily engaged in the development of the initial business case report and endorsed its findings and recommendations in August 2022.

    The Traditional Owners will continue to be a driving force behind the future development of the Paluma to Wallaman Falls project and the Queensland Government is committed to supporting them throughout the trail's delivery. The land of the proposed Trail has a special cultural heritage and could present an opportunity to provide visitors with an immersive cultural experience and share the stories of the Traditional Owners of the land. The Traditional Owners will play an active role in the trail planning, development, maintenance and operation.

  • Ecotourism Trails are designed to deliver environmental, social and economic benefits to regional communities, Traditional Owners and to Queensland. Key benefits include:

    • Long-term job and business opportunities for Traditional Owners and their future generations
    • Stronger appreciation and understanding of Aboriginal culture through unique, contemporary and engaging experiences
    • New funding sources and reinvestment to contribute to preserving, protecting and presenting national parks and their cultural heritage
    • Supporting Traditional Owner businesses, existing local businesses and creating new business opportunities
    • Bringing innovative tourism offerings to Queensland that capture new market share with potential for thousands of new overnight stays each year
    • Bringing new local jobs to the regions with the opportunity to develop and enhance local skills and increase diversity of regional jobs
    • Enhanced monitoring activity of key areas such as protected species, pests and weeds
    • Underpinning long-term growth and building community resilience in regional communities.

Contact us

  • Online form
  • Phone: 1800 957 852 (Mon–Fri, 9am–5pm AEST)
  • Mail:
    Department of Tourism and Sport,
    PO Box 15168, City East, QLD, 4002

Last updated: 01 Jul 2024