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In February 2019, a Joint Statement of Intent was signed by the Queensland Government, Sibelco Australia and the Quandamooka Yoolooburrabee Aboriginal Corporation (QYAC), reaffirming a shared commitment to create ongoing jobs, employment and investment opportunities following the end of sand mining.

Sibelco has committed to work collaboratively with the island’s traditional custodians, the Quandamooka people, to rehabilitate and surrender over 12,248 hectares of land. This ambitious project will help to transition the local economy from its reliance on sand mining to a new future as a leading cultural and eco-tourism destination.

This approach has seen fast progress, with 2,860 hectares of mining lease already surrendered and transitioned thanks to close collaboration between the parties.

The signing of the agreement was marked with a special ceremony on Minjerribah (North Stradbroke Island), during which the Queensland State Premier and Deputy Premier praised the open and collaborative approach behind the project, adding that they hope this will become a blueprint for all mining rehabilitation projects in Queensland in the future.

Read the summary of the Joint Statement of Intent (PDF, 3MB).

Read the summary of the Minjerribah Rehabilitation and Surrender Plan (PDF, 3MB).

Last updated: 14 Jul 2023